Case Study

Inspired Square FZE is a game developer studio based in the United Arab Emirates. The studio is responsible for hit puzzle games like X2 Blocks and 2248: Number Games. 

Zulqarnain Satti, Director of IT and Operations at Inspired Square, describes how Inspired Square utilized ironSource and Tapjoy offerwalls, and Aura on-device advertising, to boost installs, spend, ROAS, and more.  


D7 ROAS for in-app purchase revenue


Increase in unique payers

Finding success with offerwall

We’ve been working with ironSource for a while now - in fact, out of all our X2 Blocks iOS UA activity, the ironSource network has our biggest share of voice. 

We wanted to expand our UA activity on Android, so the ironSource team recommended we try out a multi-reward campaign on their offerwall. With this campaign, new users (acquired from the offerwall) can participate in multiple events to receive multiple rewards - compared to single-event campaigns, users are more rewarded, and there’s more UA opportunities.

Their team presented how to split bids between the multiple events to increase our conversion rate, competitiveness, and ROAS. From there, we went forward with launching the campaign for X2 Blocks. This made a huge impact - in fact, we were so successful at reaching our KPI goals, that we decided to also start running an offerwall campaign for 2248 Puzzle. 

Since running an offerwall campaign in X2 Blocks and 2248 Puzzle:

  • Our average daily spend on Android jumped by 4x
  • D7 ROAS for in-app purchase revenue also increased by over 5x
  • Unique payers rate increased by over 3x

Seeing such positive results on ironSource’s offerwall, we decided to expand our UA possibilities by running on Tapjoy’s offerwall.

Expanding with Aura

As we scaled, we wanted to add a channel focused on long-term value users - so we decided to try on-device advertising with Aura. We learned how on-device campaigns uniquely build a strong initial connection with potential users - as they see the app from the moment they open their new device. 

So with the ironSource Aura team, we got to work. The team analyzed our data and showed us what balancing cost efficiency and scale looks like in an on-device context. After analyzing our eCPI data for X2 block, the Aura team implemented a multi-bid campaign - different bids for different segments, including device models and states.

During the campaign, the Aura team adjusted bids on a weekly basis and explored which other countries we could run on. This strategy turned out to be a hit - we reached our eCPI goals while still scaling up. Given X2 Block’s success, we decided to scale Aura campaigns to more countries and with another one of our titles.

Continued collaboration

Thanks to ironSource, we could tackle user acquisition from 360 degrees - the ironSource network, offerwall, and on-device with Aura. Our choice to utilize their different UA solutions only boosted our UA further - we boosted both our scale and user acquisition, while still meeting eCPI goals. As we continue to expand our business, we look forward to trying new ironSource tools, and continued opportunities for collaboration.

Let's put these tips to good use

Promote your app directly on devices with Aura