Expert tips for turning apps
into successful businesses

  • Monetization
  • User acquisition
How to acquire high quality app users with ironSource Ads’ tCPA optimizer
Parminder Gill, Adam BernsteinUnity
Learn how to acquire high quality app users with ironSource Ads’ tCPA optimizer
    Tracking bad ads with UX patterns
    Keren Karol, Justin NormanUnity
    Learn how to track ads using UX patterns with our live UX patterns workshop
    • ad quality
    • user experience
    How to maximize your app’s revenue by minimizing latency
    Ravid NaoriProduct Manager at Unity LevelPlay
    • latency
    • monetization
    How to improve your users' ad experience with Ad Quality
    Keren Karol Ad Quality Product Manager
    Walk through the different ways that you can use Ad Quality to improve your users' ad experience, both ad content and the way users interact with ads
    • ad quality

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    How to scale your app portfolio with cross promotion
    Omer KatzburgironSource
    Set up your cross promotion strategy for success with actionable tips, key misconceptions, and a walkthrough on the LevelPlay platform
    • cross promotion
    • user acquisition
    Setting, analyzing, and optimizing your ad monetization strategy
    Yuval Lotan, Anna Popereko, Elyse Krumholz, Amit HalperinironSource
    Learn how to build a placement strategy, analyze results, and increase brand revenue
    • analytics
    • monetization
    How to create a value exchange with rewarded video for your subscription based app
    Justin Norman, Director of Product StrategyironSource
    Get the what, why, and how of implementing rewarded video for subscription based apps
    • apps
    • monetization
    • ...
      • rewarded video
      • subscription
    How to build a growth strategy for photo editing apps
    Or Shahar, Shachar Arias, Justin Norman, and Shay Elkoby
    From LTV modeling to creatives, learn how to build the ultimate photo editing app growth strategy
    • apps
    • creatives
    • ...
      • monetization
      • user acquisition

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