Analyze and optimize growth
Get startedGet startedGrowth analytics
Optimize growth with advanced reporting and analytics

Understand if you’re maximizing your full ad revenue potential. From cohort reports to visibility into unique metrics like engagement rate, usage rate, and daily engaged users, you’ll understand if you’re reaching your full monetization potential, and then be empowered to optimize user engagement to drive more revenue.
Real time pivot reports
Slice and dice performance
in real time
Compare metrics over time, drag and drop granular breakdowns, visualize live performance, and analyze multiple KPIs simultaneously – all in real time for LevelPlay, ironSource Exchange, and Universal SKAdNetwork.
Ad quality
Control the content delivered in your app
Get full visibility into the ads running in your app with our ad quality tool. You’ll be able to protect your user experience and ensure network compliance by identifying what content works well, what causes churn, and removing any inappropriate content that can bring down ratings.
Discover ad qualityDiscover ad qualityExpert insights for a data-first growth strategy

How to maximize the performance of your mobile game: 3 tips from a Unity game design consultant