
Optimizing your monetization strategy is all about finding the right mix of system and user-initiated ads that balance both monetization and retention. But how do you know for sure which ad unit will improve metrics and which will hurt them? A/B testing, of course.

Until recently, developers lacked reliable tools to perform accurate A/B tests, preventing them from conducting robust, frequent, and scalable A/B tests. Now with the ironSource A/B testing solution, developers have the ability to test just about any hypothesis and know with certainty which implementation maximizes LTV.  You can test different ad monetization strategies and compare results - allowing you to choose and then implement the winning strategy each and every time. 

Here’s how 3 top gaming studios discovered the perfect mix of ad units and improved KPIs using our A/B testing solution: 

1. ZiMAD tested introducing interstitial ads and increased ARPDAU 18% 

Using ironSource mediation, ZiMAD was only running rewarded video ads on their game, My Museum. Their project manager was curious about adding interstitials as a second ad unit, to see if it would increase revenue without harming retention. 

Using the ad monetization A/B testing tool, ZiMAD set up two groups. The first group acted as a control and ran only rewarded video ads, while the second group ran both rewarded video and interstitials from Day 1. 

“The A/B test was simple to run and even simpler to analyze.”

The result? ZiMAD’s revenue increased by 17% and ARPDAU increased by 18%, with only a 2.3% drop in D7 retention. 

Now interstitials are a part of Zimad’s ad monetization strategy. 

Read the full case study here.

2. Neon Play tested interstitial ads and boosted ARPDAU without affecting retention

Historically, Neon Play monetized users through rewarded video and they hesitant about implementing interstitials due to the potential negative impact it could have on retention. Instead of just introducing interstitials to all users in one fell swoop, they wanted to test the rollout in stages, and determine the frequency of interstitials which would best balance revenue and user churn. 

“We never considered testing as standard practice, but with ironSource it’s so easy, so now we do it all the time for each game.”

Using ironSource’s A/B testing tool, Neon Play  increased ARPDAU with minimal impact on retention, prompting Neon Play to double down on interstitials in their game. In fact, after the success of the initial tests, Neon Play ran a second test to optimize interstitial frequency even further.

Read the full story here.

3. This major studio tested a new rewarded video placement and increased ARPDEU 12%

We work with a leading gaming studio that mostly monetizes with IAPs, with a small percentage of their revenue coming from ads. This studio has had one of their games on the app stores for almost 8 years and with IAPs generating significant revenue, they never thought about optimizing their ad monetization strategy. 

After realizing that their rewarded video placements had a frequency cap of 7 per day without any pacing, they conducted a pacing test using ironSource’s tool. They adjusted the pacing on the placement to be available every 10-15 minutes and they split their users, placing 25% in the control group and 75% in the testing group. 

After finding that sweet spot, this studio’s ad ARPDEU increased by 12%. 

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