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Android App Advertising

Android app advertising

Android app ads

Android is the leading mobile operating system worldwide in terms of size, taking up a 71% market share in January 2021. This means that app marketers have a tremendous opportunity to achieve huge scale through performance marketing in the Android app ecosystem. And, once apps acquire a large number of users, there is an equally sizable opportunity to earn revenue from them. We go through the basics of doing that below.

App android advertising: How to add ads in Android app

To begin placing ads inside your app, we recommend choosing a mediation platform and downloading its SDK. Here’s why:

To monetize with ads, you need to work with ad networks, which connect you with advertisers looking to acquire new users. While some developers monetize using just one ad network, it’s best practice to work with multiple ad networks - more ad networks means more opportunities to fill your ad requests with the right ads, which means more opportunities to make money.

However, each ad network requires its own SDK integration, and too many SDKs in your app can slow it down and create a lot of manual overhead to maintain. You would need to find a way to evaluate the performance of each network’s ads in real-time, and decide which one of them will be chosen to fill your available ad slot. Scaling this process is very challenging.

Mediation platforms centralize multiple ad networks in just one platform and manage your monetization operations through a single dashboard. You can then turn different ad networks on and off inside your mediation dashboard at the click of a button.

How to add ads in Android app examples

The world of in-app advertising is sophisticated and there are multiple types of ads you can show users in your app. User-initiated ads like rewarded video are totally opt-in from the user, meaning they choose to open up the ad and watch it until the end in return for an in-app reward, like extra resources. These generally provide a win-win experience: users get a reward they want for free, while the app developer generates ad revenue while preserving a great user experience.

The other main category of ad units are system-initiated ads. With these ads, users do not choose to open them - you as the developer decides when. These are useful for monetizing users that aren’t engaging with higher value ad placements like rewarded videos, or non-payers/subscribers who are unlikely to convert into payers. Because these are by nature more intrusive to the user, make sure you only show them at non-obtrusive moments.

In-game Android advertising

In-game advertising works the same way as regular in-app ads. If you have a mobile game and you’d like to start monetizing your content with ads, integrate a mediation platform’s SDK. On there, you’ll be able to use ad monetization technology like in-app bidding.

While the majority of apps and games prioritize long-term users, and therefore don’t bombard users with ads, some games, such as in the hyper-casual category, are more likely to show users a higher frequency of ads early on. That’s because this category’s business model relies on making ad revenue from users who typically don’t stick around for long.

Android app monetization

To monetize on Android, it’s best practice to experiment with multiple ad types and placements using A/B testing - the top mediation platforms will allow you to do this. There are many things you can test, like what triggers the ad to appear and their frequency.

By running numerous tests with different ad formats and on different user segments, such as subscribers and non-subscribers, you’ll be able to glean enough data to optimize your monetization strategy while preserving a good user experience.

Which ad network is best for Android

The most effective way to maximize your app’s revenue is to work with a mediation platform rather than a single ad network. That’s because mediation platforms let you tap into the demand from numerous ad networks, not just one. This means you can take advantage of a higher level of competition to fill your ad space, helping you ensure your ad requests are always filled, and at the desired price point.

There are many mediation platforms available, such as ironSource - here’s a checklist for deciding which to choose:

First-class analytics: Data is a crucial part of an effective monetization and UA strategy. A mediation platform that gives you comprehensive and accurate analytics will mean you can always make informed decisions.

Strong A/B testing tools: A/B testing is a core part of the app growth playbook, allowing you to make data-driven decisions, minimize risk, and increase revenue. Whether you want to A/B test various settings in your in-app bidding strategy, or add a new ad unit into your app, you need a mediation platform that provides powerful A/B testing tools so you can level up your app growth.

Competitive in-app bidding solution: In-app bidding is the ad-serving technology taking over the mobile app industry, enabling developers to maximize ad revenue, and automate the whole process to save significant time. Make sure your mediation platform is connected to a large number of bidder ad networks.

Strong technology: Because tech stability has a direct impact on app performance, make sure you choose a mediation platform with stable and reliable technology that you can trust. A good way to determine if a mediation provider meets this criteria is understanding if the product has been tested in many builds, has been implemented by many developers, has multiple testing layers both on the platform and on the code, and has a team dedicated to streamlining the integration process.

Track record of innovation and adaptability: In an industry where the only constant is change, it’s a smart move to find a mediation platform that has a history of innovation. Shifts in the mobile app world like Apple’s privacy changes force the industry to adapt fast, and the mediation platforms best positioned to react and create the best solutions that meet the needs of developers will be those with a track record of doing just that.

Incorporates the entire growth lifecycle in one place: App growth is a loop in which UA and monetization are closely linked, so using a mediation platform that allows you to seamlessly manage both in one place is a great advantage. This will let you seamlessly analyze how both sides of the coin are affecting each other, make smart decisions, and ultimately achieve your app’s full growth potential.

Earn revenue from your app

Sign up to start monetizing your app with ironSource.